OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Check your security server and also make sure that you have logged in properly.
0x16c9a04e rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid endpoint format for remote host
Explanation: An endpoint string with invalid syntax was supplied as input to the RPC
Action: Use valid endpoint string syntax.
0x16c9a0a1 rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_context
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid inquiry context
Explanation: An invalid inquiry context was passed to a begin, next, or done operation.
Action: Verify that the inquiry context is non-null and was successfully created in a begin
0x16c9a0a9 rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_type
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid inquiry type
Explanation: The application program attempted to perform a lookup in either a profile
or an endpoint map using an unsupported lookup key.
Action: Make sure that the inquiry_type argument passed to
rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin or rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin is within the set of
supported values.
0x16c9a02a rpc_s_invalid_naf_id
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid network address family ID
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
Action: Report the error to your vendor.
0x16c9a096 rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid name syntax
Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the entry name syntax.
Action: Check the value provided and use one of the API defined constants
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