OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x16c9a0d9 rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid name service handle
Explanation: An invalid name service handle was passed to a begin, next, or done
Action: Verify that the name service handle is non-null and was successfully created in a
begin operation.
0x16c9a03a rpc_s_invalid_object
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid object
Explanation: An application specified an illegal UUID value or specified a value that
was not a valid UUID.
Action: Verify that the provided value is a UUID and that the called routine allows that
value. Some routines do not allow a nil UUID.
0x16c9a0b6 rpc_s_invalid_priority
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid priority
Explanation: The server or management application attempted to add a profile element at
an invalid priority.
Action: Modify the application code to use a valid priority value.
0x16c9a020 rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid RPC protocol sequence
Explanation: An application specified an RPC protocol sequence that is not recognized
by the RPC runtime.
Action: Specify only valid RPC protocol sequences.
0x16c9a040 rpc_s_invalid_string_binding
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Invalid string binding
Explanation: An application presented a string binding as input to the RPC runtime and
the string binding has invalid syntax.
Action: Use the correct string binding syntax.
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