OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: Version mismatch. Either the server or client software must be upgraded.
0x10d0a408 CDS_OLDSKULK
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: Skulk in progress terminated; superseded by more recent skulk.
Explanation: A skulk in progress contacted a replica and found that the replica was
modified by a more recent skulk. The skulk in progress terminates.
Action: None required.
0x10d0a003 CDS_PENDING
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: Operation in progress.
Explanation: This status is placed in the control block while the associated request is
being acted upon by the cds clerk.
Action: The request is in progress. If you wish to terminate it, kill the thread which is
blocked waiting for the request to complete.
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: Possible cycle in soft links detected
Explanation: While traversing soft links, the cds clerk has encountered the same entry
Action: Use the show link command to view the CDS_LinkTarget attribute of each soft
link in the chain. When the target value is the same as a softlink you have already seen,
use the set link command to change the value.
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: You cannot supersede a primary cell alias with a normal cell alias of the same
Explanation: See text?
Action: Either choose an alias different from the primary alias, or change the primary
alias for the cell
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: For high convergence Tue Oct 16 09:43:06 1990
Explanation: Background propagation failed.
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