OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Interface’s version is unknown
Explanation: An application supplied an interface handle that referred to an interface
that specified an unknown interface format version. (The interface format version
specifies how the interface specification is laid out internally. Do not confuse it with the
contents of the IDL version field in an interface definition.) Either the handle is invalid (it
does not point to a interface) or there is a version skew between the IDL compiler and
RPC runtime used by the application developer.
Action: Make sure the handle is valid and that correct versions of the IDL compiler and
the RPC runtime are used.
0x16c9a050 rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Unknown or unsupported manager type
Explanation: A client application tried to make a remote call using a binding handle
whose associated object UUID has a type that is unsupported for the interface being used.
Action: Either the client bound to an inappropriate server (in which case it should rebind
to another server) or there is an application error.
0x16c9a060 rpc_s_unknown_reject
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Unknown reject
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
Action: Report the error to your vendor.
0x16c9a0fd rpc_s_unknown_stub_rtl_if_vers
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Interface’s stub/runtime version is unknown
Explanation: An application supplied an interface handle that referred to an interface
that specified an unknown stub or runtime interface version. Either the handle is invalid
(did not point to an interface) or there is a version skew between the IDL compiler and
the RPC runtime used by the application developer.
Action: Make sure the handle is valid and that correct versions of the IDL compiler and
RPC runtime are used.
0x16c9a10d rpc_s_unsupported_auth_subtype
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Receiver cannot support authentication subtype
Explanation: The receiver cannot support the authentication subtype. The connection-
oriented protocol supports more than one algorithm for computations performed during
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