OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
0x17122ee1 rsdb_journal_create_fail
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Cannot create registry journal file
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122ee2 rsdb_journal_hdr_write_failed
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Cannot create to registry journal header
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122ee0 rsdb_journal_open
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Journal file already open
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122ee5 rsdb_login_cant_init_list
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Could not initialize login list
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122026 sec_acl_bad_acl_syntax
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: bad acl syntax
Explanation: Specified ACL is not valid at this ACL manager. This error can be
returned if less than 1 ACL is specified on a replace operation, or if more than 1 is
specified on a replace and the controlling ACL manager was only expecting 1.
Action: Fix application, or notify support personnel if you have no access to the
application source.
0x17122021 sec_acl_bad_key
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: bad information in sec_acl_key
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