OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x17122020 sec_acl_invalid_acl_type
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: acl type not valid
Explanation: Specified ACL type is out of the valid range for this type.
Action: Ensure that the specified ACL entry type is valid. If this error is encountered
within the DCE base components, notify support personnel.
0x17122035 sec_acl_invalid_dfs_acl
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: not a valid DFS acl
Explanation: DFS ACL manager does not understand the specified ACL.
Action: Ensure that ACL is specified correctly and retry the operation.
0x17122028 sec_acl_invalid_entry_class
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: invalid acl entry class
Explanation: Obsolete.
Action: None required.
0x1712201c sec_acl_invalid_entry_name
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: invalid acl object name
Explanation: NULL or invalid entry name passed to sec_acl_bind() API.
Action: Ensure that client is specifying a valid name to sec_acl_bind(). If this error is
encountered within the base DCE components, then notify support personnel.
0x1712201f sec_acl_invalid_entry_type
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: acl entry type not valid
Explanation: An ACL entry type was specified that the server does not understand. It is
possible for this to occur if a client is attempting to pass new ACL entry types to an older
server that cannot interpret them (eg: delegation ACL entry types).
Action: Ensure that ACL entries are of a type that the server can understand.
0x17122022 sec_acl_invalid_manager_type
Severity: Varies Component: sec
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