OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Look for reasons in the serviceability log.
0x10d0a45b CDS_REM_NOT_SAFE
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: You cannot remove an alias until the primary alias is considered ’safe’.
Explanation: CDS must be certain that the primary alias of a cell is known to all
clearinghouses in the cell before it can accept remove transactions to the alias list. This
assures that all CDS servers in the cell will operate in a consistant manner.
Action: Try skulking the cell root directory. It must complete successfully for the remove
command to complete.
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: Insufficient resources to process request
Explanation: This error is returned when memory is not available to complete an
Action: Check the system swap space.
0x10d0a452 CDS_ROOTLOST
Severity: Varies Component: cds
Text: Requested operation would result in lost connectivity to root directory
Explanation: You entered a command requesting an operation that would have resulted
in a loss of connectivity with the root of the namespace. CDS cannot process your
Action: None required.
0x10d0aba3 cds_s_aclfail
Severity: Warning Component: cds / cds_svc_general
Text: Unable to create default acl: status = %ld.
Explanation: Failed to get host and cell information to initialize acl.
Action: See the indicated status code for additional detail. The status codes are
documented in this manual.
0x10d0aba0 cds_s_aclinit
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_general
Text: Can’t initialize GENERAL managment ACL.
Explanation: An error has occured while trying to do the initialization.
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