OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1712202a sec_acl_name_resolution_failed
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: name resolution failed on acl operation
Explanation: Name resolution failed on the requested ACL operation.
Action: Ensure that a valid object name was specified.
0x1712201b sec_acl_no_acl_found
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: no acl found
Explanation: Object found, but object has no ACL associated with it.
Action: Retry operation with object that has an ACL, or notify support personnel for the
server in question if object should have an ACL.
0x17122027 sec_acl_no_owner
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: at least one control permission bit required on acl
Explanation: There must be at least one entry in the ACL that grants control over the
Action: Grant the control permission to at least one entry.
0x17122033 sec_acl_not_authorized
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: operation on acl not authorized
Explanation: Not authorized to perform the requested operation on this object.
Action: Identity with control rights to ACL should perform the operation.
0x17122016 sec_acl_not_implemented
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: acl operation not implemented
Explanation: Requested operation is not implemented in this version of DCE.
Action: Do not attempt this operation with this version of DCE.
0x1712202e sec_acl_no_update_sites
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: no update sites for this acl operation
Explanation: No update sites available for this ACL operation.
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