OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x17122047 sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unsupported
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: A requested key type is not supported
Explanation: A key with a type unknown to this version of DCE was specified.
Action: Ensure that operation was specified correctly.
0x17122048 sec_key_mgmt_e_key_version_ex
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: Specified key already exists in key store
Explanation: Specified key already exists in the specified key table.
Action: None required.
0x1712204b sec_key_mgmt_e_ktfile_err
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: Specified file is not a valid key table
Explanation: File found, but format does not conform to that of a key table.
Action: Ensure that a valid key table is specified.
0x17122049 sec_key_mgmt_e_not_implemented
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: Operation Not Implemented
Explanation: Specified operation not implemented in this version of DCE.
Action: Do not attempt this operation with this version of DCE.
0x17122046 sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: The caller is unauthorized to perform operation
Explanation: The caller is unauthorized to perform the requested operation.
Action: Determine which identities have rights to perform the operation.
0x17122cc4 sec_lksm_bad_input
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: Bad input. Try again
Explanation: The user supplied response to the question of whether a locksmith account
should be created is not correct.
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