OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Log out and log back in, or use kinit to refresh credentials.
0x17122062 sec_priv_s_PAD00
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: random kerberos error occurred.
Explanation: Obsolete error code.
Action: None required.
0x1712205a sec_priv_s_server_unavailable
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: priv server unavailable
Explanation: Unable to locate an accessible privilege server.
Action: Retry the operation.
0x17122e43 sec_prop_bad_type
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_prop
Text: Bad propagation type.
Explanation: Internal error.
Action: Log a defect.
0x17122e47 sec_prop_chk_prop_slave_init
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_prop
Text: Attempting to check slave intialization
Explanation: Check how slave initialization is going
Action: None required.
0x17122e45 sec_prop_fail
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_prop
Text: Propagation failed : %s
Explanation: The update did not propagate successfully.
Action: Security server attempts to recover from this error. ??? It is not clear what the
action should be. Or if eventually an ERROR message will be logged.
0x17122e42 sec_prop_no_master_info
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_prop
Text: Unable to get information about master
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