OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: An administrator should ensure proper configuration of the password
management server.
0x17122f2f sec_rca_op_status
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rgybind
Text: Registry operation failed ( %s ) : %s
Explanation: ?
Action: None required
0x17122f30 sec_rca_site_rebind
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rgybind
Text: Attempting to rebind to an alternate registry site and retrying operation
Explanation: ?
Action: None required
0x17122f32 sec_rca_site_rebind_fail
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rgybind
Text: Failed to rebind to an alternate registry to retry operation
Explanation: ?
Action: None required
0x17122f31 sec_rca_site_rebind_succ
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rgybind
Text: Rebound to site %s
Explanation: ?
Action: None required
0x17122e6e sec_rep_cant_start_prop_tasks
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rep
Text: Cannot start propagation tasks
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122e62 sec_rep_corrupt_auth_handle
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rep
Text: Corrupted replica auth handle detected
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