OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Severity: Varies Component: sec
Text: PGO/account is required and can’t be deleted
Explanation: Attempted to delete a required PGO or account.
Action: Do not attempt to delete this object.
0x17122d05 sec_rgy_startup_done
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_main
Text: Startup completed
Explanation: Security server initialization has been completed.
Action: None required.
0x17122d15 sec_rgy_svr_register
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_main
Text: Cannot register server\n%s
Explanation: Failed when registering with the rpc runtime and with the endpoint mapper.
Action: ?
0x17122d54 sec_rgy_svr_register_ns
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Can’t register with name service\n%s
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122d03 sec_rgy_thr_exit_alert
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_main
Text: Thread is exiting with alert exception
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122d04 sec_rgy_thr_exit_exc
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_main
Text: Thread is exiting with an exception
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
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