OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
0x17122ea8 sec_rsdb_rep_state_not_saved
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Cannot save replica state
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122eda sec_rsdb_unknown_aclmgr_type
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Unknown ACL manager type
Explanation: ?
Action: Log a defect.
0x17122edf sec_rs_global_lock_fatal_exc
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Fatal exception while holding global %s lock
Explanation: An exception occured while a global lock was held.
Action: Log a defect.
0x17122ede sec_rs_lock_fatal_exc
Severity: Fatal Component: sec / sec_s_rs_rsdb
Text: Fatal exception while holding %s %s lock
Explanation: An exception occured while a lock was held. The first %s is the mode
string which can be read, write or read-intend-to-write . The second parameter is the type
of lock and indicates on what the lock was held - database, replica list, log etc.
Action: Log a defect.
0x17122e00 sec_rs_log_bad_version
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_log
Text: Bad version of log file
Explanation: ?
Action: ?
0x17122e06 sec_rs_log_base_prop_seq
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_log
Text: Base propagation sequence in the log header : %s
Explanation: Logged during replay
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