OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x17122d43 sec_rs_ns_grp_ent_create_succ
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Group (%s) entry created
Explanation: Informational event
Action: None required.
0x17122d44 sec_rs_ns_grp_mbr_add_fail
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Member (%s) not added to group (%s)
Explanation: Informational event.
Action: None required.
0x17122d45 sec_rs_ns_grp_mbr_add_succ
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Member (%s) added to group (%s)
Explanation: The member was added to the group.
Action: None required.
0x17122d4f sec_rs_ns_name_del_succ
Severity: Notice Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: %s removed NSI and from group entry %s
Explanation: The name entry has been deleted successfully from the name space. The
name entry is also no longer a member of the group entry.
Action: None required.
0x17122d50 sec_rs_ns_name_not_removed
Severity: Warning Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Old name not removed from nameservice, it may not belong to this server
Explanation: ?
Action: None required.
0x17122d40 sec_rs_ns_null_profile
Severity: Error Component: sec / sec_s_rs_ns
Text: Profile name is NULL
Explanation: This is an internal error.
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