OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x10d0a07a cds_s_cache_createcache
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Error opening cache version file %s for write: status = %ld.
Explanation: Routine open(2) failed while trying to create cache file.
Action: Ensure that a writable file can be created in the specified location, see error status
for further information.
0x10d0a067 cds_s_cache_createshmid
Severity: Warning Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Routine open(2) failed for shmid file %s with status %ld.
Explanation: While attempting to create the shmid file, an error occurred. The shmid
file was not created. A new memory segment will be created.
Action: Ensure that the specified directory exists and is writable.
0x10d0a071 cds_s_cache_createversion
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Error opening cache version file %s for write: status = %ld.
Explanation: Routine open(2) failed while trying to create cache version file.
Action: Ensure that a writable file can be created in the specified location, see error status
for further information.
0x10d0a06c cds_s_cache_creatormapped
Severity: Warning Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: shmid(%d) creator process pid(%d) is still active.
Explanation: An old advertiser process has been terminated and shared memory has been
marked for delete.
Action: None required.
0x10d0a07f cds_s_cache_flink_a
Severity: Fatal Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Cache header corrupt: Bad cache header forward link.
Explanation: The forward link of the cache header does not point to the correct place.
Action: Have a DCE support person examine the file. Delete the cache and restart the
0x10d0a084 cds_s_cache_glock_a
Severity: Fatal Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
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