OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Explanation: Software has been upgraded and the existing cache files are no longer
usable. The cache files will be deleted and a new cache created.
Action: None required.
0x10d0a074 cds_s_cache_opencache
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Error opening cache file %s for read: status = %ld.
Explanation: Routine open(2) failed. A new cache will be created.
Action: Ensure the directory is accessible so the cache can be reused the next time DCE
is started.
0x10d0a068 cds_s_cache_openshmid
Severity: Warning Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Routine open(2) failed for shmid file %s with status %ld.
Explanation: While attempting to open an existing shmid file, an error occurred. A new
shared memory segment will be created.
Action: Ensure that the file is not locked by another user.
0x10d0a07d cds_s_cache_pattern_a
Severity: Fatal Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Cache header corrupt: Bad cache header pattern.
Explanation: Cache header pattern is different from the expected value.
Action: Have a DCE support person examine the file. Delete the cache and restart the
0x10d0a075 cds_s_cache_readcache
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Error reading cache file %s: status = %ld.
Explanation: Routine read(2) returned an error status. A new cache will be created.
Action: Ensure the directory is accessible so the cache can be reused the next time DCE
is started.
0x10d0a069 cds_s_cache_readshmid
Severity: Warning Component: cds / cds_svc_cache
Text: Routine read(2) failed for shmid file %s with status %ld.
Explanation: While attempting to read an existing shmid file, an error occurred. A new
shared memory segment will be created.
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