OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1771b0ee tcl_s_test_bogus_interpreter
Severity: Unknown Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Text: bogus interpreter argument!
Explanation: Tcl detected that the interpreter passed to Tcl_CallWhenDeleted was not
Action: Check your Tcl command and make sure to pass the valid interpreter to the
Tcl_CallWhenDeleted call.
0x1771b118 tcl_s_unixaz_access_mode_must_inc
Severity: Unknown Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Text: access mode must include either RDONLY, WRONLY, or RDWR
Explanation: The open command detected that the access mode didn’t include the
required mode.
Action: Check your Tcl command and add the necessary access mode.
0x1771b116 tcl_s_unixaz_access_mode_not_supported
Severity: Unknown Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Text: access mode "%s" not supported by this system
Explanation: The open command detected that the access mode specified was not
Action: The NOCTTY access mode is not supported by this system. Do not use it.
0x1771b0f6 tcl_s_unixaz_cannot_change_work_dir
Severity: Unknown Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Text: couldn’t change working directory to "%s": %s
Explanation: The cd command could not change the current working directory to a user-
specified directory.
Action: Check your Tcl command and make sure you spelled a directory name correctly,
or that the directory exists.
0x1771b111 tcl_s_unixaz_cannot_open
Severity: Unknown Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Text: couldn’t open "%s": %s
Explanation: The open command could not open the specified file.
Action: Check your Tcl command and make sure you spelled a filename correctly, or that
the file exists.
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