OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x10d0a13a cds_s_gda_badreplicatype
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Replica type in global directory is neither a Master nor Readonly
Explanation: The replica type in the global directory is incorrect.
Action: Use your global directory administration utilities to correct the entry.
0x10d0a13b cds_s_gda_badtower
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Invalid tower specification global directory.
Explanation: An error occured while trying to convert the string binding read from the
global directory into protocol tower specification.
Action: Use your global directory administration utilities to correct the entry.
0x10d0a13e cds_s_gda_bind_eb
Severity: Fatal Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Routine bind(2) failed on %s: status = %ld.
Explanation: A call to the system function bind(2) failed.
Action: See the bind(2) manual page for further details.
0x10d0a145 cds_s_gda_class
Severity: Notice Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Line %d of named.ca: class syntax error.
Explanation: An invalid class value was found in named.ca. The line will be ignored.
Action: Manually fix the entry. Restart the GDA for the change to take effect.
0x10d0a132 cds_s_gda_connect
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Routine connect(2) failed : status = %ld.
Explanation: A call to the system function connect(2) has failed.
Action: See the connect(2) manual page for further details.
0x10d0a147 cds_s_gda_data
Severity: Notice Component: cds / cds_svc_gda
Text: Line %d of named.ca: data syntax error.
Explanation: An invalid data value was found in named.ca. The line will be ignored.
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