OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Index type is not known or incorrectly specified. db_s_bad_index_type
Information not available sec_login_s_info_not_avail
Initialization completed successfully sec_rep_init_slave_succ
initialization encryption key not valid sec_rgy_rep_init_ekey_invalid
Initialization failed : %s sec_rep_init_slave_fail
Initialization of RPC interface has failed. cds_s_server_rpc_eb
Initializing credentials failed for auth. mech. %d,
name of
init_id from slave doesn’t match master’s init_id for
the replica
Input arguments too big rpc_s_in_args_too_big
Input data length exceeds allocated buffer size
(Registry Editor/TTY Interface)
Input is too long.n pwd_imp_err_input_too_long
Input not in the expected format (Registry
Editor/TTY Interface)
Input out of range (Registry Editor/TTY Interface) tty_input_out_of_range
Insufficient information. Variables expected: %d,
read: %d.
Insufficient local resources CDS_NONSRESOURCES
Insufficient memory to display tower.n CDSCP_NOMEM
Insufficient memory to perform operation. gc_t_omx_memory_insufficient
Insufficient memory to perform operation. gc_t_om_memory_insufficient
Insufficient memory to perform operation.n gc_t_memory_insufficient
Insufficient resources to process request CDS_RESOURCEERROR
Insufficient rights to perform requested operation CDS_ACCESSDENIED
Insufficient room in buffer CDS_NOROOM
Insufficient size limit. gc_t_size_limit_exceeded
Insufficient time limit. gc_t_time_limit_exceeded
Insufficient virtual memory dts_server_no_memory
Insufficient virtual memory for allocation attempt. gssdce_s_out_of_memory
Integer constant %1$s is invalid NIDL_INTCONSTINVAL
Integer division by zero NIDL_INTDIVBY0
Integer value overflows %1$s NIDL_INTOVERFLOW
integer value too large to represent tcl_s_expr_int_val_too_large
integrity error: EPAC seal mismatch. sec_authn_s_bad_seal
Interactive read of the password failed dcp_s_login_bad_pw_read
Interface attributes [auto_handle] and
[implicit_handle] cannot occur together
Interface attributes [code] and [nocode] cannot occur
B48 Tandem Computers Incorporated 124330