OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
(receive_packet) assoc->%x %s: Protocol version
mismatch - major->%x minor->%x
Receiver cannot support authentication subtype rpc_s_unsupported_auth_subtype
Receiving of an attention message failed (fd = %d,
errno = %d)
Receiving of an IPC-message failed GDS_S_IPCRMSG_ERR
Redirection of ’stdout’ failed (errno = %d) GDS_S_NDS_REDIR_ERR
Reenter password to verify: sec_lksm_passwd_verify
Referral returned - %s. gc_t_referral_returned
regexp too big tcl_s_tclregexp_too_big
Registry bind retry count exceeded (last error = %x) gss_s_frc_retry_exceeded
Registry database already exists sec_crdb_db_exists
Registry is read only - updates are not allowed sec_rgy_read_only
Registry is read only or operation performed at a
slave (Registry Edit Kernel)
Registry object not found sec_rgy_object_not_found
registry object not found sec_attr_rgy_obj_not_found
Registry replica not specified dcp_s_rgy_sa_no_replica
Registry replica specified is not the master. dcp_s_rgy_sa_replica_not_master
Registry replica specified is the master dcp_s_rgy_sa_already_master
Registry server is not available aud_s_rgy_server_unavailable
Registry server ’%s’ is unavailable. dcp_s_rgy_server_unavailable
Registry server unavailable sec_rgy_server_unavailable
Registry server unavailable (Registry Edit Kernel) ek_misc_server_unavailable
Registry server unavailable (Registry Edit Kernel) ek_misc_no_site
Registry site name must be absolute sec_rgy_site_not_absolute
Regular expression compilation error (reason = %s
(%d)) %s
Releasing heap memory failed (offset = %#x) GDS_S_IPCHEAPREL_ERR
Remote host crashed rpc_s_rem_host_crashed
Remote host is down rpc_s_rem_host_down
Remote host is unreachable rpc_s_host_unreachable
Rename of %1$s to %2$s failed NIDL_RENAMEFAILED
Reopening of NDS-configuration source file ’%s’
failed (errno = %d)
replica already marked for initialization sec_rgy_rep_marked_for_init
Replica cannot be added to old Clearinghouse CDS_VERSIONSKEW
Replica cannot get local host identityn%s sec_rgy_rep_host_identity
replica deleted sec_rgy_rep_deleted
Replica is in dupe master state and cannot be started sec_rep_dupe_cant_start
B74 Tandem Computers Incorporated 124330