OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
STDOUT Messages are written as human-readable text to standard output
STDERR Messages are written as human-readable text to standard error
GOESTO Messages are sent to the destination designated for the specified
severity level
Messages of different severity levels can be routed differently. For example, all
"Notices" could be discarded and all "Fatal" errors could be written to a binary log.
BINFILEs can be read and manipulated with the following set of logfile functions:
dce_svc_log_open() Opens a logfile for reading.
dce_svc_log_get( ) Reads the next entry from the logfile.
dce_svc_free_entry() Frees the logfile space of the current entry.
dce_svc_log_rewind( ) Returns log processing back to the first message.
dce_svc_log_close( ) Closes the open logfile.
For detailed information about the logfile functions, see the reference pages.
1.2.2 UsingEnvironment Variables
You can also route messages based on severity by using the environment variables:
1.2.3 Usingdce_svc_routing
Message routing can be set up by the application itself, by calling the dce_svc_routing()
routine and passing to it a string formatted in the same way as a line of text from a
routing file. The routine must be called for each severity level being set.
1.2.4 UsingAttributes
The final two routing methods allow for limited routing. Routing can be specified by
attribute, either in the message definition in the sams file, or as part of the argument list
to dce_svc_printf( ) routine.
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