OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual

OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual424831-001
Calling address.
Calling address. The address from which a connect request is initiated.
Calling user. The application that initiates a request to establish a connection. For OSI/AS,
an application is the calling user when it calls the APS_ASSOC_CONNECTREQ_
procedure. The calling user can, at the same time, be a called user for other connections.
Capability data. In the Session Layer, data sent and received between session service end
points while activity services are available but no activity is in progress. Only a limited
data can be exchanged. Capability data exchange requires the selection of the activity-
management functional unit and the capability-data-exchange functional unit.
CEPI (connection endpoint identifier). An identifier of a connection endpoint at a given
OSI layer, used to identify the corresponding connection at a service access point for
that layer.
Class of protocol. SeeTransport classes.
Collector. An EMS process that accepts event messages from subsystems and logs them in
the event log. See EMS (Event Management Service).
Common definition. In DSM programmatic interfaces, a definition (data declaration) used
in several commands, responses, or event messages in an SPI interface to a subsystem.
Compatibility distributor. An EMS distributor process that filters event messages
according to fixed (rather than user-specified) criteria, obtains text for these messages,
and writes the text to the console-message destinations.
Conditional token. In DSM event management, a token that is sometimes, but not always,
present in a particular event message.
Confirm primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) is to be informed about
its request. This is one of four types of service primitives.
Connection-establishment phase. The phase of an OSI connection during which the
connection is created. Compare data-transfer phase or connection-release phase.
Connection-release phase. The phase of an OSI connection during which the connection is
relinquished. This phase begins when an application initiates a release request or when
an application or the service provider aborts the connection.
Context token. In DSM programmatic interfaces, a token in an SPI response message that
indicates (by its presence or absence) even if the response is not continued in the
following message. If this token is present, the response is continued.
Control and inquiry. In DSM, those aspects of object management that affect the state or
configuration of an object, such as inquiries about the object and commands pertaining
to the environment (for example, commands that set default values for the session).
COUP (Configuration Utility Program). An interactive program that allows system
managers to make online changes to the configuration of devices and controllers. COUP