OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual

About This Manual
OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual424831-001
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces
% Percent Sign. A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The
%þnotation precedes an octal number. The %Bþnotation precedes a binary number.
The %Hþnotation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example:
P=%p-register E=%e-register
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces
The following list summarizes the notation conventions used in the boxed descriptions
of programmatic commands, event messages, and error lists in this manual.
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate names from definition files; enter these
names exactly as shown. For example:
lowercase letters. Words in lowercase letters are words that are part of the notation,
including Data Definition Language (DDL) keywords. For example:
!r. The !r notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is
required. For example:
!o. The !o notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is
optional. For example:
Change Bar Notation
Change bars are used to indicate substantive differences between this edition of the
manual and the preceding edition. Change bars are vertical rules placed in the right
margin of changed portions of text, figures, tables, examples, and so on. Change bars
highlight new or revised information. For example:
The message types specified in the REPORT clause are different in the COBOL85
environment and the Common Run-Time Environment (CRE).
The CRE has many new message types and some new message type codes for old
message types. In the CRE, the message type SYSTEM includes all messages