OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual

Configuring the OSI/TS Subsystem
OSI/TS Configuration and Management Manual424831-001
Creating Configuration Command Files
Creating Configuration Command Files
You can develop a configuration command EDIT file by making a log file of your
interactive commands while they are executing. After executing the necessary
configuration commands, edit the log file, deleting any messages or command output
that was returned. Use the resulting file as your configuration command file.
By changing command files that already exist, you can create new configuration
command files to perform tasks for your installation. If the command sequence of an
existing command file closely follows the sequence of tasks you need to perform, you
can save time by using that files basic structure. Unless you invoke the new file,
however, the system will not implement the changes.
When using command files, you might want to use the SCF DELAY command to
suspend activity for a short time to allow a command to complete. This is most likely to
be needed when a command that is time-consuming—such as a command that uses a
wild-card name to abort many subdevices—is followed by commands that depend on
the completion of the first command. The DELAY command is also more likely to be
needed when the CPU in which the TSP process runs is heavily loaded.
For example, the command following an ABORT command in a command file could
conceivably complete before the object aborts. Issuing a DELAY command allows an
ABORT command to complete before execution of the next command begins. In
addition, the SCF ALLOW command with the ALL option allows a command file to
complete despite the occurrence of errors that might otherwise cause the execution of
the command file to terminate.
Because it slows down the execution of command files, the DELAY command should
not be overused.
Command File for Configuring OSI/TS Over an
X.25 Network
This is an example of a command file to configure a generic (no SNDCF) loopback test
over an X.25 Telenet network. In this configuration, there are two TSP processes on the
same system that connect via an X.25 network (in other words, data goes from one
process, out through the X.25 network, and back to the same system, to the responding
process). $tsp1 is the local process (the initiator) and $tsp2 is the remote process (the
responder). Each TSP process is configured with three subdevices, as follows:
Subdevices a and b are configured using NSAP addresses
Subdevice c is configured using X.25 addresses
Connections can be made between the following subdevices:
#251a and #252a
#251b and #252b
#251c and #252c