Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

User Alias Security Commands
Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
REMOTEPASSWORD [ \system-name [ remote-password] ]
adds a new remote password, changes the remote password currently defined
for a particular system, or deletes a remote password. An alias can have zero,
one, or many remote passwords (one for each remote system to which the
alias is granted access, as well as one for the local system matching that
remote system).
Specifying \system-name without a remote-password deletes the remote
password for the specified system.
specifies the system for which a remote password is to be assigned. For
\system-name, specify a valid system name.
specifies a remote password to be associated with \system-name. For
remote-password, specify a string from one to eight characters long.
You can use any alphanumeric characters except blanks, commas,
semicolons, and the ASCII null character. The case of the letters is
preserved. Lowercase letters remain lowercase, and uppercase letters
remain uppercase. You cannot set multiple remote passwords with one
[ ( obj-attr [ , obj-attr ] ...) ]
changes one or more attributes to be assigned immediately to new disk files
created by this alias. If you omit obj-attr, new disk files remain under
Guardian protection. If you specify any obj-attr, the attribute updates the
current default protection record for the specified alias.
is one of:
OWNER [ owner-id ]
ACCESS [ access-spec [ ; access-spec ] ... ]
AUDIT-ACCESS-PASS [ audit-spec ]
AUDIT-ACCESS-FAIL [ audit-spec ]
AUDIT-MANAGE-PASS [ audit-spec ]
AUDIT-MANAGE-FAIL [ audit-spec ]
For more information about these object attributes as they apply to disk files,
see Section 8, Disk-File Security Commands.
Caution. Omitting both \system-name and remote-password deletes all the remote
passwords currently defined for the alias on this system.