Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

User Alias Security Commands
Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
changes the Guardian default disk file security string for the alias. The word
DEFAULT is optional, as are the quotes that surround the security string
specifier. You can include them in the command for readability. string is a
four-character string that specifies the Guardian default security string. Each
position in the string can contain one of these characters: O, U, G, C, A, or N.
For more information about Guardian default file-security string, see the
Safeguard Users Guide.
GUARDIAN [DEFAULT] [SUB]VOLUME [\system.]$vol.subvol
changes the Guardian default subvolume. The word DEFAULT and the prefix
SUB are optional. You can include them in the command for readability.
\system is also optional. If you omit \system, the current system is assumed.
$vol specifies the default volume, and subvol specifies the default
PRIMARY-GROUP [ [ NAME ] group-name | NUMBER group-num ]
changes the name or number of the primary group for the alias. The alias must
already belong to this group. The word NAME is optional when you specify
group-name. You can include it in the command for readability. group-name
is the name of a group to which the alias already belongs. group-num is the
number of a group to which the alias already belongs.
You can specify the primary group by group name or by group number, but not
both. You cannot include PRIMARY-GROUP NAME and PRIMARY-GROUP
NUMBER attributes in the same command. A PRIMARY-GROUP NAME
replaces a previously specified PRIMARY-GROUP NUMBER, and vice versa.
The Safeguard software does not implicitly add this group to the alias group list
if the alias does not already belong to this group. The previous primary group
remains on the alias group list, but not as the primary group.
Without group-name or group-num, PRIMARY GROUP clears the primary
group setting, and the administrative group for the user ID associated with this
alias becomes the primary group. (See Considerations on page 6-20.)
changes the initial working directory within the OSS file system for the alias.
dir-path is a case-sensitive text string of up to 256 characters. It must be a
syntactically valid OSS pathname. If you specify the INITIAL-DIRECTORY
attribute, it must be the last attribute in the command string.
If you omit dir-path, the string is set to null (no pathname).