Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

User Alias Security Commands
Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
All unsuccessful events are audited.
Only unsuccessful events on the local system are audited.
Only unsuccessful events by a remote user are audited.
No unsuccessful events are audited.
Omitting audit-spec specifies NONE.
specifies a string of descriptive text to be associated with the alias. The text
must consist of printable characters. This attribute is provided for
documentation purposes only and has no affect on the alias record. All text
between the quotation marks is considered to be descriptive text.
Because SAFECOM allows a maximum command length of 528 characters,
the specified string must contain less than 528 characters. You can specify a
longer descriptive text string by using the Safeguard SPI command interface,
as described in the Safeguard Management Programming Manual.
If you omit text, no descriptive text is included in the alias authentication
REMOTEPASSWORD \system-name remote-password
establishes a remote password for a local alias:
is the system for which the following remote password is to be assigned.
\system-name must be a valid system name.
is the remote password assigned to \system-name. For remote-
password, specify a string of one to eight characters. Any character can
be used in a remote password except blanks, commas, semicolons, and
the ASCII null character. The case of letters is preserved. Lowercase
letters remain lowercase, and uppercase letters remain uppercase. Only
one remote password can be set with a SET command.
Note. Use RESET ALIAS REMOTEPASSWORD to clear a default remote password
that you previously established with the SET command.