Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
Who Can Use SAFECOM Commands
Safeguard record for an object or user. In general, the SAFECOM commands that
manage an existing Safeguard record are restricted to the user who owns the record
and to that users group manager. However, the record can also be managed by any
user who has been granted OWNER authority on the object’s access control list. This
includes both the primary owner and any secondary owners.
Table 1-1 lists the SAFECOM commands according to command stem and object type
and identifies the users who can execute each. This table assumes that you have not
created OBJECTTYPE protection records, which specify who can use the ADD
command for a particular object type.
The table does not list the local super ID because this user can execute any
SAFECOM command for any user or object unless the local super ID is specifically
denied those privileges on an access control list.
Also, the table does not list the audit service commands and TERMINAL, EVENT-
EXIT-PROCESS, and SAFEGUARD commands, which can be used only by members
of the security groups, as discussed in Section 13, Security Group Commands.