Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
The Super ID
Add the first member of a new group or add a group manager (ADDUSER program
or SAFECOM ADD USER command) unless specified by the OBJECTTYPE
You can restrict the authority of the super ID in several ways. For example, you can
use the FREEZE USER command to freeze the super ID except for emergency
situations. Then use the THAW USER command to thaw the super ID as required.
You can deny the super ID the ability to add Safeguard protection records for users or
system objects. For example, to deny the super ID the ability to add disk volume
protection records, create an OBJECTTYPE VOLUME protection record and
specifically deny the super ID all authorities on the access control list.
Similarly, you can control the ability of the super ID to access any system object or to
manage any object’s protection record. To do so, create a Safeguard protection record
for the object and specifically deny the super ID access authority. The super ID is
implicitly granted all access authorities unless you use the DENY clause to deny those
authorities. The DENY clause takes precedence over access authorities implicitly or
explicitly granted to any user.
For additional information about the super ID, refer to the Security Management Guide.