Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
Common SAFECOM Language
Many syntax elements in the SAFECOM command language are common to several
SAFECOM commands. This simplifies learning and using the language. For example,
the language elements that identify users are used in the user security commands and
as components of object access lists.
This section describes the syntax for these SAFECOM language elements:
Disk file names
Disk volume and subvolume names
Device and subdevice names
Process and subprocess names
User IDs and user names
User aliases
User sets
User lists
Group names
If you are familiar with HP command languages, you need not read this section in
detail. The syntax for the SAFECOM language elements is the same as for other HP
command languages. SAFECOM allows the extended use of wild-card characters in
object names and user names.
Wild-Card Characters
In most SAFECOM commands, you can use wild-card characters to match characters
in an object name. In certain instances, you can also specify wild-card characters in
user names. The following wild-card characters are supported:
The following examples illustrate the use of wild-card characters in SAFECOM
To illustrate the difference between the asterisk and question mark wild cards, consider
these commands. The first command (using an asterisk in the file name) displays the
attributes of all disk files in the current subvolume whose names begin with the letters
ACCT. The second command (using a question mark in the file name) displays the
* An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters (zero, one, or more).
? A question mark (?) matches a single character.