Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

Event-Exit-Process Commands
Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
Interprocess Communication Messages
Table 15-6 on page 15-22 shows the structure of the message data sent from the
Safeguard subsystem to the event-exit process for a password change event. This
message data is present only for a password change event resulting from an attempt
to change a password with the PASSWORD program or with the Safeguard ADD
USER, ALTER USER, ADD ALIAS, or ALTER ALIAS commands. The event-exit
process does not return this data in its response.
Logon_Name_Phrase VAR-
The user name string typed by the user. If
the user entered a password, also includes
the password phrase, separated from the
name by a comma. Maximum length is 256
bytes. This is the string from which the
Logon_Name and Logon_UserID are
decomposed. The field is present only when
the caller is USER_AUTHENTICATE_.
This field is blank if the caller was
Password_Response_Phrase VAR-
The user’s response to a challenge or
password request. Maximum length is 80
This field is blank if the caller is
Logon_Attempts_Num INT The current number of unsuccessful logon
attempts for this user ID. It is the number of
unsuccessful logon attempts since the last
successful logon attempt.
Authenticate_Only BOOLEAN Indicates a request from VERIFYUSER or
USER_AUTHENTICATE_ for information
only. True indicates information request.
False indicates logon request.
Options_Word INT The logon options word that was passed to
USER_AUTHENTICATE_, bits 2-15. Bits 0
and 1 of the options word are always zero.
FEA 28 bytes A future expansion area; currently filled with
Table 15-5. Logon_Data (Logon Message_Data
Interactive/Programmatic) (page 2 of 2)