Safeguard Reference Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+ )

SAFECOM Session-Control Commands
Safeguard Reference Manual520618-013
OUT Command
OUT Command
OUT directs SAFECOM output text to a specified file. SAFECOM output text includes
both input commands and the response to those commands. Output text directed to a
specific file is not echoed to the screen. Typically, OUT is used in command files,
where it directs the command-file output to a list file.
entered without listfile, closes the current listfile. SAFECOM then opens
the file specified by the OUT option when SAFECOM was started (typically your
home terminal).
is the file to which SAFECOM is to write its output text. For listfile, specify any
file name.
If listfile does not exist, SAFECOM creates an EDIT-format file and then
writes all output text to that file. If listfile exists, SAFECOM opens the file and
appends the output text.
To display the use of your current OUT file, use the ENV OUT command. For
OUT $TERM3 -- Interactive, OUT = IN --
SAFECOM error messages appear on the terminal screen when you specify an
OUT file.
This example shows the use of the OUT command to produce a listing of all the
SAFECOM help screens:
=OUT $s.#lp1
The last OUT command redirects SAFECOM output text to the original output file; in
this case, the home terminal.
OUT [ listfile ]