SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Statements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Syntax Description of ALTER TABLE
specify on a PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot match the set of columns on any
UNIQUE constraint for the table.
ASCENDING and DESCENDING specify the direction for entries in each column
within the key. The default is ASCENDING.
The PRIMARY KEY value in each row of the table must be unique within the table.
Columns within a PRIMARY KEY cannot contain nulls. A PRIMARY KEY defined
for a set of columns implies that the column values are unique and not null.
When a PRIMARY KEY table constraint is added by using the ALTER TABLE
statement, it is always droppable. For a PRIMARY KEY column constraint, you
cannot specify NOT DROPPABLE; if you do, NonStop SQL/MX returns an error.
A PRIMARY KEY constraint is enforced with a unique index. If there is already a
user-defined unique index on key-column-list, NonStop SQL/MX uses this
index; if not, it creates a unique index. Because the PRIMARY KEY constraint uses
a supporting unique index, the clustering key is not part of the constraint definition.
Therefore, the maximum combined length of the columns for the PRIMARY KEY is
255 bytes.
When a PRIMARY KEY constraint is created on a table, all the index columns must
have a NOT NULL clause in the CREATE TABLE statement for the table.
in the DEFAULTS Table has no affect on a PRIMARY KEY constraint added by
using the ALTER TABLE statement because in this case the PRIMARY KEY is
always droppable.
CHECK (condition)
is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in
the table.
NonStop SQL/MX checks the condition whenever an insert or update operation
occurs that might affect its value. The operation is allowed if the predicate in the
search condition evaluates to TRUE or null, but is prohibited if the predicate
evaluates to FALSE. When a check constraint is added, existing data is checked
for violations.
You cannot refer to the CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, or
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in a CHECK constraint, and you cannot use
subqueries in a CHECK constraint.
See Search Condition on page 6-102.
FOREIGN KEY (column-list) REFERENCES ref-spec
is a column or table constraint (respectively) that specifies a referential constraint
for the table, declaring that a column or set of columns (called a foreign key) in