SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Statements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Considerations for DROP SCHEMA
Authorization and Availability Requirements
To drop a schema, you must own the schema or be the super ID. You must have
remote passwords for any nodes to which the schema’s catalog has been registered.
Transaction Limits on DROP SCHEMA
If the schema is fairly large and contains many rows, DROP SCHEMA with the
CASCADE might fail with file system error 35, “Unable to obtain an I/O process control
block, or the transaction or open lock unit limit has been reached.” In this case, too
many locks were requested. When this occurs, you need to update MaxLocksPerTCB
to 10000 or more.
In the Guardian environment, update through the SCF facility:
1-> info $<volume>,detail
STORAGE - Detailed Information Magnetic DISK
\<node>.$<volume> Common Disk Configuration Information:
*BackupCpu............................. 3
*HighPin............................... ON
*PrimaryCpu............................ 2
*StartState............................ STARTED
Disk Type Specific Information:
*AuditTrailBuffer/SQLMXBuffer (MB)..... 0
*AutoRevive............................ OFF
*AutoSelect............................ n/a
*AutoStart............................. ON
*CBPoolLen............................. 1000
*FSTCaching............................ OFF
*FullCheckpoints....................... ENABLED
*HaltOnError........................... 1
*LKIDLongPoolLen....................... 8
*LKTableSpaceLen....................... 15
*MaxLocksPerOCB........................ 5000
*MaxLocksPerTCB........................ 5000
*NonAuditedInsert...................... OFF
More text? ([Y],N) n
2-> alter $volume,maxlockspertcb 10000
3-> info $volume,detail
STORAGE - Detailed Information Magnetic DISK \node.$volume
Common Disk Configuration Information:
*BackupCpu............................. 3
*HighPin............................... ON
*PrimaryCpu............................ 2
*StartState............................ STARTED
Disk Type Specific Information: