SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Statements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Considerations for GRANT
Considerations for GRANT
Authorization and Availability Requirements
To grant a privilege on an object, you must have both that privilege and the right to
grant that privilege. That is, the privilege must have been issued to you WITH GRANT
OPTION and not revoked. If you lack authority to grant one or more of the specific
privileges, the system returns a warning (and does perform the grant of any of the
specified privileges that you do have authority to grant). If you have none of the
specified privileges WITH GRANT OPTION, the system returns an error.
If the super ID user issues a GRANT statement using the BY authid-grantor
clause, the authid-grantor must hold the right to grant the specified privileges.
Security Considerations
NonStop SQL/MX translates each authorization ID you specify into a 32-bit integer
value, and then stores the number in the system metadata tables. The stored
identification number, not the characters of the authorization ID, is used to identify the
user who holds privileges on the specified objects.
Privileges on Views
Granting a privilege on a view does not grant that privilege to the corresponding
column of the underlying table.
Privileges on Stored Procedures
You can also manage security on a stored procedure by using the GRANT EXECUTE
and REVOKE EXECUTE statements. See GRANT EXECUTE Statement on
page 2-141 and REVOKE EXECUTE Statement on page 2-169.
Examples of GRANT
This example grants SELECT and DELETE privileges on a table, in addition to the
privilege of granting SELECT and DELETE privileges to others:
TO "sql.user1", "sql.user2" WITH GRANT OPTION;
This example grants UPDATE privileges on the named columns to PUBLIC:
GRANT UPDATE (start_date, ship_timestamp)
ON TABLE persnl.project TO PUBLIC;
This example includes the domain of the user. Because of the back-slash
character (\), you must use a delimited SQL identifier.
GRANT SELECT ON persnl.employee TO "DCS\sql.user1";