SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Statements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
SELECT Statement
specifies whether to select ANY of the first N rows or the FIRST N sorted rows.
You must enclose ANY N or FIRST N in square brackets. [FIRST N] is different
from [ANY N] only if you use ORDER BY on any of the columns in the select list
to sort the result table of the SELECT statement. N is an unsigned numeric literal
with no scale. If N is greater than the number of rows in the table, all rows are
returned. [ANY N] and [FIRST N] are disallowed in nested SELECT statements
and on either side of a UNION operation.
specifies whether to retrieve all rows whose columns are specified by the
select-list (ALL) or only rows that are not duplicates (DISTINCT). Nulls are
considered equal for the purpose of removing duplicates. The default is ALL.
specifies the columns or column expressions to select from the table references in
the FROM clause.
specifies all columns in a table, view, joined table, or derived table determined
by the evaluation of a query expression, as specified in the FROM clause.
specifies all columns of specific table references by using the correlation name
corr of the table references, as specified in the FROM clause. See
Correlation Names on page 6-10.
specifies one column of specific table references by using the correlation name
corr of the table reference, as specified in the FROM clause.
single-col [[AS] name]
specifies a column.
col-expr [[AS]name]
specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of an SQL value
expression in the list. By using the AS clause, you can associate a derived
column col-expr with a name.
See the discussion of limitations in Considerations for Select List on page 2-194.
INTO variable-spec [,variable-spec]...
specifies host variables in which to return the values in the result row of the
SELECT statement. The number of items in select-list must be equal to the