SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Statements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual—540440-003
SELECT Statement
causes the stream to skip all existing rows in the view and return only rows
that are published after the stream’s cursor is opened.
(delete-statement [RETURN select-list])
[AS] corr [(col-expr-list)]
enables an application to read and delete rows with a single operation. For the
syntax of delete-statement, see the DELETE Statement on page 2-109.
RETURN select-list
specifies the columns or column expressions returned from the deleted
row. The items in the select-list can be either of these forms:
specifies the row from the OLD table exposed by the embedded
DELETE. The OLD table refers to column values before the delete
operation. NEW is not allowed.
An implicit OLD.* return list is assumed for an embedded delete
operation that does not specify a RETURN list.
col-expr [[AS]name]
specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of an SQL
value expression in the list. Any column referred to in a value
expression is from the row in the OLD table exposed by the embedded
DELETE. The OLD table refers to column values before the delete
By using the AS clause, you can associate a derived column
col-expr with a name name.
[AS] corr [(col-expr-list)]
specifies an optional correlation name corr and an optional column list
for the preceding items in the select list RETURN select-list.
(update-statement [RETURN select-list])
[AS] corr [(col-expr-list)]
enables an application to read and update rows with a single operation. For the
syntax of update-statement, see the UPDATE Statement on page 2-226.
RETURN select-list
specifies the columns or column expressions returned from the updated
row. The items in the select-list can be either of these forms: