SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

MXCI Commands
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
The SET TERMINAL_CHARSET command is used to set the character set for
messages that an interactive SQL/MX client can send to or receive from NonStop
SQL/MX. Examples of such messages include commands, SQL statements or query
results generated during a MXCI session.
is any one of the fifteen character set names enclosed in single quotes. The default
value is 'ISO88591'.
You can set the character set attribute to different values during an interaction
session. Its scope is limited only to the interaction session in which it is issued, and
has no effect in any other contexts such as in an embedded program processed
during the MXCI session. If you set the attribute to a value that does not represent
a valid character set name, NonStop SQL/MX issues error 3010. If a character set
name cannot be used as a terminal character set (such as the character set is not
supported by any known emulators), NonStop SQL/MX issues an error.
Considerations for SET TERMINAL_CHARSET
You must verify that this attribute is compatible with the human-interface environment
of the client. For example, if an OutsideView running under Japanese Windows 2000 is
hosting a MXCI session, you should set the attribute to 'SJIS,' and you should use a
Shift JIS compatible IME (input method editor) for input. You can receive syntax errors
or garbage output if the attribute is not properly set.