SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

MXCI Commands
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Considerations for SHOWDDL
SHOWDDL generates ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statements for each column
that was added to the table. SHOWDDL also generates the comment '--The
partition is offline-' before the DDL of each partition that is offline due to
a partition management operation, and the DDL for the offline partitions is
commented out. The entire partition clause is commented out if all of the partitions
are offline.
The PIC data type is stored as CHAR, DECIMAL, or NUMERIC in
NonStop SQL/MX. SHOWDDL, therefore, displays these data types in place of the
PIC data type.
The NCHAR data type is displayed as a CHAR CHARACTER SET
default-char-set showing the current default national character set (either
UCS2 or ISO88591.)
All ANSI names in the output are fully qualified.
All physical location names are fully expanded.
SHOWDDL displays constraint names even though they might not have been
specified during the creation of the constraint.
STORE BY is displayed even though it might not have been explicitly stated in the
creation of the table.
The ordering of the primary key (ASC/DESC) might differ from that of the original
DDL because it might be changed by the STORE BY ordering.
If NO HEADING is specified for a column, NonStop SQL/MX stores it as HEADING
‘‘ (blank,) which SHOWDDL displays.
If the column name, which is stored as an upshifted string unless it is delimited, is
identical to the heading (case-sensitive), NonStop SQL/MX treats it as if no
heading was entered. SHOWDDL does not display a heading.
If there are two not null droppable constraints on the same user added column,
only one of these is displayed.
The ALLOCATE attribute is not stored in metadata or file label, so it is not
The partitioning key is displayed only if it is different from the store by key. Such a
scenario is when SYSKEY is a part of the store by key but not a part of the
partitioning key, although the keys might appear to be the same because the
SYSKEY is not displayed by SHOWDDL.
SHOWDDL does not omit the optional clauses of the CREATE PROCEDURE
SHOWDDL always generates a Java signature for the SPJ.
SHOWDDL does not display the GRANT and REVOKE statements used to grant
or revoke any privileges on the table.