SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Utilities
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
FIXUP Operation
specifies the SQL object to be changed. It must be fully qualified with the catalog
and schema name.
are options available for an SQL object:
Turn off the corrupt attribute
Reset the redefinition timestamp
{ -rc [-d] }
turns off the corrupt attribute on the label and in the PARTITIONS metadata table.
FIXUP attempts to reset all local partitions associated with the object. If the object
has partitions on remote nodes, FIXUP displays a warning and continues.
If an update to the label or metadata fails, the operation fails. If one of the partitions
already has the corrupt attribute turned off, FIXUP continues to reset partitions that
need to be reset.
If you specify the -d option, FIXUP resets the corrupt attribute of all dependencies
associated with the object. Table dependencies include indexes and trigger
temporary tables. Indexes have no dependencies, so the -d option is ignored.
You must be the super ID to execute this request. Both remote and local partitions
can have their corrupt attribute reset.
If the metadata and label attributes do not match, FIXUP turns both values off.
{ -rt [-d] }
sets the redefinition timestamp of one or all local partitions of an object to the value
saved in the OBJECTS metadata table. If FIXUP cannot extract the redefinition
time from the metadata, it returns an error.
FIXUP updates all partitions that make up the object, on the local node. If the
object has partitions on remote nodes, FIXUP displays a warning and continues.
If the partition has the same timestamp as the metadata, FIXUP continues to
update timestamps for partitions that need to be updated. If an update to the label
fails, the operation fails.
{ -ru [-d] }
sets the UID value in the resource fork to match the UID value in metadata.
NonStop SQL/MX replaces the catalog, schema, and object UIDs in the resource
fork with the values found in metadata.
Caution. The -rc operation to turn off the corrupt attribute on the label is potentially a risky
operation. If the file is really corrupted and you reset the attribute, the consistency of the
database will be in question.