SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Utilities
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Examples of GOAWAY
Drop a resource fork file:
mxtool goaway \$data09.ZSDT6TG2.BLJ35501 -rf !
Goaway of file:\FIGARO.$DATA09.ZSDT6TG2.BLJ35501 successful
Drop a file and skip the step that extracts ANSI information:
mxtool goaway \\FIGARO.$DATA09.ZSDLLS6G.QJ1QNR00 -s !
Goaway of file: \FIGARO.$DATA09.ZSDLLS6G.QJ1QNR00
Goaway of file: \FIGARO.$DATA09.ZSDLLS6G.QJ1QNR01
Attempt to drop a file with an invalid node name:
mxtool goaway \DATA09.ZSDKJWZP.BG4LMN00
*** ERROR[20350] A syntax error was found near 'DATA09',
near character position 7.
Attempt to drop a file without super ID privileges:
mxtool goaway \$data09.ZSDT6TG2.HSNZ4500
*** ERROR[20354] Only super ID can use the MXTOOL operation
Attempt to drop a nonexistent file:
mxtool goaway \$DATA09.ZSDKJWZP.NONEXI00
*** ERROR[20355] File $DATA09.ZSDKJWZP.NONEXI00 was not
Attempt to drop an invalid object:
mxtool goaway \$system.system.mxcmp
an SQL/MX object.
Attempt to drop a file with an invalid volume specification:
mxtool goaway \$vol.ZSDKJWZP.BG4QTN00
*** ERROR[20362] Error 14 was returned while validating the
file set list specified by '$VOL.ZSDKJWZP.BG4QTN00'.
Attempt to perform GOAWAY with an invalid flag:
mxtool goaway \$data09.ZSDT6TG2.HSNZ4500 ! +L=\$data09.zsd0
*** ERROR[20370] Invalid flag provided for the operation.
Try 'mxtool help'for the operation.
Drop only a data fork:
mxtool goaway \$data09.ZSDT6TG2.HMVV3500 -df !
Goaway of file: \FIGARO.$DATA09.ZSDT6TG2.HMVV3500
*** WARNING[20372] The resource fork is not accessible.
Attempt to drop only a data fork of a file with both forks:
mxtool goaway \$DATA09.ZSDLLS6G.WKPRKR00 -df
*** ERROR[20450] You asked to drop only the data fork