SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Utilities
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Considerations for import
A decimal ASCII number that specifies the
physical record length (in characters, not bytes)
of each input row. The length must include the
row delimiter, if used. You must specify
record_length for fixed width format.
The value specified for record_length must
be greater than or equal to (start + length -
1) / (number of bytes per character) for all
subsequent col= lines in this section of the
format file.
All input records must be the same length,
exactly record_length characters long.
A character denoting null. Default is space. If an
input field consists of all null_char, null is
stored in the target column.
The target table column name and the start
position and length of the input field in each row
of the source data file.
start is a decimal ASCII number that specifies
the byte position of the first character of the field
(where 1, not 0, refers to the first byte of the
input row). length is a decimal ASCII number
that specifies the number of bytes in the field.
For fields whose target is a VARCHAR column,
you can optionally specify the actual length of
the data as a decimal ASCII number (of
characters, not bytes) at the beginning of the
data in the input field. If you do, start must
specify the byte position of the actual length
value and all input rows must use the same
number of characters at the beginning of the
input field to contain the actual length value, and
you must specify the varcharPrefix_length
parameter on the col= line for the column.
If you specify varchar_Prefix_length, it
must be a decimal ASCII number that specifies
the number of characters, not bytes, at the
beginning of the input field data that are used to
contain the actual length value.
If the null or default flag
NullDefault_flag is defined, it precedes
the length prefix (if any) in the input field.
Each field in the source data file must have a
corresponding col= entry. Any of the
record_length number of characters in each
input record that are not covered by a col= entry
will be ignored.