SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Language Elements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Numeric Data Types
A column in an SQL/MP table declared with a floating-point data type is stored in
Tandem floating-point format and all computations on it are done assuming that.
SQL/MP tables can contain only Tandem floating-point data. For more information
about SQL/MP data types, see the SQL/MP Reference Manual.
A column in an SQL/MX table declared with a floating-point data type is stored in IEEE
floating-point format and all computations on it are done assuming that. SQL/MX tables
can contain only IEEE floating-point data. NonStop SQL/MX can select data from both
SQL/MP and SQL/MX tables. See default attribute Data Types on page 10-41 for
NUMERIC [(precision [,scale])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]
specifies an exact numeric column—a two-byte binary number, SIGNED or
UNSIGNED. precision specifies the total number of digits and cannot exceed 18.
If precision is 10 or more, the value must be SIGNED. scale specifies the
number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
The default is NUMERIC (9,0) SIGNED.
specifies an exact numeric column—a two-byte binary integer, SIGNED or
UNSIGNED. The column stores integers in the range unsigned 0 to 65535 or signed
-32768 to +32767.
The default is SIGNED.
specifies an exact numeric column—a four-byte binary integer, SIGNED or
UNSIGNED. The column stores integers in the range unsigned 0 to 4294967295 or
signed -2147483648 to +2147483647.
The default is SIGNED.
specifies an exact numeric column—an eight-byte signed binary integer. The
column stores integers in the range -2**63 to 2**63 -1 (approximately 9.223 times
10 to the eighteenth power).
DEC[IMAL] [(precision [,scale])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]
specifies an exact numeric column—a decimal number, SIGNED or
UNSIGNED,stored as ASCII characters. precision specifies the total number of
digits and cannot exceed 18. If precision is 10 or more, the value must be
SIGNED. The sign is stored as the first bit of the leftmost byte. scale specifies the
number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
The default is DECIMAL (9,0) SIGNED.