SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Language Elements
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
SQL/MP Considerations for Identifiers
your catalogs and the name ZONE for a schema within that catalog. You can pass
these delimited identifier names as command-line arguments to an OSS hosted
preprocessor invocation by using an escape character for their quotes.
mxsqlco prog.cob -g moduleSchema="\"TIME\".\"ZONE\""
Suppose that prog.cob has this module directive:
The preprocessor invocation preprocesses this module directive as if it were:
SQL/MP Considerations for Identifiers
Using SQL/MX Reserved Words in SQL/MP Names
Do not use reserved words as identifiers. See Appendix B, Reserved Words.
If an SQL/MP object or column name contains SQL/MX reserved words, you must
delimit that part of the Guardian name, either in the SQL/MX statement or in the
CREATE SQLMP ALIAS statement, by enclosing the reserved word in double quotes.
For example, suppose that a table has the Guardian name, ALLOCATE.DESCRIBE. In
NonStop SQL/MX, you must enclose both parts of the name in double quotes because
both parts of the name are reserved words. The delimited name is
"ALLOCATE"."DESCRIBE." If either part of the name is a reserved word, enclose
only the part that is a reserved word in double quotes.
When you delimit a column name in NonStop SQL/MX, the column name must be in
uppercase letters, because NonStop SQL/MP stores the identifier of the column (or of
any SQL entity that is not a physical object) in uppercase. The Guardian names of
SQL/MP tables, views, and other physical objects are case insensitive and are not
required to be in uppercase letters when you delimit them in NonStop SQL/MX.
Examples of Identifiers
These are regular identifiers:
Because regular identifiers are case insensitive, NonStop SQL/MX treats all these
identifiers as alternative representations of mytable:
mytable MYTABLE MyTable mYtAbLe
These are delimited identifiers: