SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Functions and Expressions
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
Considerations for EXPLAIN
A node of an operator tree is a point in the tree that represents an event (involving an
operator) in a plan. Each node might have subordinate nodes—that is, each event
might generate a subordinate event or events in the plan.
Column Name Data Type Description
MODULE_NAME CHAR(60) Module name as specified in the argument to the EXPLAIN
function; if NULL, the name of the current module.
CHAR(60) Statement name after wild-card character expansion;
truncated on the right if longer than 60 characters.
PLAN_ID LARGEINT Unique system-generated plan ID automatically assigned
by NonStop SQL/MX; generated at compile time.
SEQ_NUM INT Sequence number of the current node in the operator tree;
indicates the sequence in which the operator tree is