SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Functions and Expressions
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
The MOVINGCOUNT function is a sequence function that returns the number of
nonnull values of a column in the current window of an intermediate result table
ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement. See SEQUENCE BY
Clause on page 7-18.
MOVINGCOUNT is an SQL/MX extension.
specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column expression.
is an SQL numeric value expression of signed data type SMALLINT or INTEGER
that specifies the current window. The current window is defined as the current row
and the previous (integer-expression - 1) rows.
is an SQL numeric value expression of signed data type SMALLINT or INTEGER
that specifies the maximum number of rows in the current window.
Note these considerations for the window size:
The actual value for the window size is the minimum of integer-
expression and max-rows.
If these conditions are met, MOVINGCOUNT returns the same result as
The integer-expression is out of range, and max-rows is not
specified. This condition includes the case in which both integer-
expression and max-rows are larger than the result table.
The minimum of integer-expression and max-rows is out of range.
In this case, integer-expression could be within range, but max-rows
might be the minimum value of the two and be out of range (for example, a
negative number).
The number of rows is out of range if it is larger than the size of the result
table, negative, or NULL.
MOVINGCOUNT (column-expression,integer-expression