SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Functions and Expressions
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
STDDEV Function
STDDEV Function
Considerations for STDDEV
Examples of STDDEV
STDDEV is an aggregate function that returns the standard deviation of a set of
STDDEV is an SQL/MX extension.
specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of the STDDEV
of the expression. The default option is ALL, which causes duplicate values to
be included. If you specify DISTINCT, duplicate values are eliminated before the
STDDEV function is applied. If DISTINCT is specified, you cannot specify weight.
specifies a numeric value expression that determines the values for which to
compute the standard deviation. The expression cannot contain an aggregate
function or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the STDDEV function
operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation
of expression.
specifies a numeric value expression that determines the weights of the values for
which to compute the standard deviation. weight cannot contain an aggregate
function or a subquery. weight is defined on the same table as expression. The
one-column table derived from the evaluation of expression and the one-column
table derived from the evaluation of weight must have the same cardinality.
Considerations for STDDEV
Definition of STDDEV
The standard deviation of a value expression is defined to be the square root of the
variance of the expression. See VARIANCE Function on page 9-166.
Because the definition of variance has N-1 in the denominator of the expression (if
weight is not specified), NonStop SQL/MX returns a system-defined default setting of
zero (and no error) if the number of rows in the table, or a group of the table, is equal
to 1.
STDDEV ([ALL | DISTINCT] expression [,weight])