SQL/MX 2.x Reference Manual (H06.04+)

SQL/MX Functions and Expressions
HP NonStop SQL/MX Reference Manual540440-003
THIS Function
THIS Function
The THIS function is a sequence function that is used in the ROWS SINCE function to
distinguish between the value of the column in the current row and the value of the
column in previous rows (in an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY
clause in a SELECT statement). See ROWS SINCE Function on page 9-120.
THIS is an SQL/MX extension.
specifies a derived column determined by the evaluation of the column expression.
If the value of the expression is null, THIS returns null.
Considerations for THIS
Counting the Rows
You can use the THIS function only within the ROWS SINCE function. For each row,
the ROWS SINCE condition is evaluated in two steps:
1. The expression for THIS is evaluated for the current row. This value becomes a
2. The condition is evaluated for the result table, using a combination of the THIS
constant and the data for each row in the result table, starting with the previous row
as row 1 (up to the maximum number of rows or the size of the result table).
If a row is reached where the condition is true, ROWS SINCE returns the number of
rows counted so far. Otherwise, if the condition is never true within the result table
being considered, ROWS SINCE returns null. NonStop SQL/MX then goes to the next
row as the new current row and the THIS constant is reevaluated.
Example of THIS
Suppose that SEQFCN has been created as:
CREATE TABLE $db.mining.seqfcn
Within MXCI, the ANSI alias name has been mapped as:
CREATE SQLMP ALIAS db.mining.seqfcn $db.mining.seqfcn;
THIS (column-expression)