SQL/MX Remote Conversational Interface (RMXCI) Guide for SQL/MX Release 3.1 (H06.23+, J06.12+)

Installing a supported Java version
To install one of the supported Java versions on the client workstation, follow the instructions on
the Oracle website:
After installing the Java version, proceed with “Verifying the Java version” (page 13).
Verifying the Java version
To display the Java version of the client workstation, from the client terminal window, enter the
following command:
/usr/home:java -version
The following is a sample output:
java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.10) (rhel-1.39.b17.el6_0-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
If the returned version is not supported or is unavailable, see “Setting the PATH for a supported
Java version ” (page 13).
Setting the PATH for a supported Java version
1. In the /home directory, open the user profile (.profile or .bash_profile). For example,
using vi command, the following command opens the .profile file:
/home:vi .profile
2. In the user profile, set the PATH environment variable to include the path of the Java bin
directory, for example:
export PATH=/opt/java1.5/jre/bin:$PATH
NOTE: Place the path of the Java bin directory before $PATH, and ensure that no space
is after the colon (:) in the path. In the C shell, use the setenv command instead of export.
3. To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or run the user profile command. For
/home:. .profile
Installing and verifying the NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver
RMXCI requires a compatible NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver Release 3.x to be installed on the client
Installing the JDBC Driver
To install the HP NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver, complete the steps listed in Release 3.x of HP
NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver Programmer’s Reference or the README file.
Include the NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR file in the CLASSPATH.
Verifying the JDBC Driver
To display the version of the NonStop JDBC Type 4 Driver that is already installed on the client
workstation, complete the following steps:
Pre-installation procedures 13