SQL/MX Remote Conversational Interface (RMXCI) Guide for SQL/MX Release 3.1 (H06.23+, J06.12+)

DROP TRIGGER statement, 119
DROP VIEW statement, 119
EXECUTE statement, 119
EXPLAIN statement, 119
GRANT EXECUTE statement, 119
GRANT statement, 119
INSERT statement, 119
LOCK TABLE statement, 119
POPULATE INDEX utility, 120
PREPARE statement, 120
PURGEDATA utility, 120
REVOKE EXECUTE statement, 120
REVOKE statement, 120
ROLLBACK WORK statement, 120
SELECT ROW COUNT statement, 120
SELECT statement, 120
SET CATALOG statement, 120
SET MPLOC statement, 120
SET NAMETYPE statement, 120
SET TABLE TIMEOUT statement, 120
SET TRANSACTION statement, 120
SHOWCONTROL command, 120
SHOWDDL command, 120
UNLOCK TABLE command, 120
UPDATE statement, 120
UPDATE STATISTICS statement, 120
SQL terminator
setting, 36
showing, 36
SQL utilities, 119
SQL/MX Remote Conversational Interface, 31
breaking across lines, 33
case sensitivity, 34
description of, 33
exiting, quitting, or disconnecting, 32
launching and running a script file, 29
launching from a Perl or Python command-line, 52
launching on Linux , 22
Perl wrapper script, 52
product banner, 33
prompts, 33
Python wrapper script, 52
SQLMX JDBC Type 4 Driver
See JDBC driver, 13
SQLPlus look-and-feel, 19
Standard prompt
customizing, 35
description of, 33
displaying the current time, 36
showing all tables in a schema, 38
wild-card search, 112
TDM_Default_DataSource, 24
Teradata look-and-feel, 19
Timeout, idle session, 35
Transaction, example of, 46
Type 4 driver
See JDBC driver, 13
UNIX launch file, location of, 16
description of, 120
User profile
setting _JAVA_OPTIONS, 20
setting the PATH, 13, 22
Utilities, 119
VERSION command, 117
showing all views in a schema, 38
wild-card search, 114
Wild-card characters, 74
Wild-card search
procedures, 106
schemas, 100, 108
tables, 112
views, 114
134 Index